波长服务: Share High-B和width Electronic Data to All Financial Enterprise 位置


2006年,英国数学家克莱夫·汉比 创造了“数据是新的石油”这句话。 to emphasize the importance of it as the primary resource that would drive economic markets. The catchphrase also implies that data, like oil, needs refining 和处理 to become useful.

While Humby’s proclamation has been prophetic 和 durable it misses the significance of the logistics involved in transporting data – akin to moving oil from wellheads to refineries using barges, 油轮, 陆路, 管道, 卡车, 和铁路.

对于以数据为中心的行业来说, wavelength services offer the supply chain that protects its value. Wavelength services comprise a special form of fiber optic connectivity where a pair of fibers transmits multiple services across different channels of light or spectrum. The technology is predicated on dividing light into different 波长 with each carrying a unique stream of data. These 波长 of lit fiber are either leased or allocated specifically to transmit data between locations.

Consider that each separate Wavelength is essentially a private line; depending on your needs it’s possible to have anywhere from one to dozens of different 波长 on a pair of fibers. Wavelength services are especially useful for high b和width applications like data center interconnects 和 for use by financial institutions like large regional banks, 哪些需要可以保护的数据, 迅速传播的, 并被有效地复制和处理.

这项技术的普及是由 最近的一份报告, indicating that the global market for Wavelength services will experience significant growth (11.8%的复合年增长率),直到2030年.


金融机构, there’s an inherent risk to relying on the traditional Internet for managing data. Doing so leaves them susceptible to network events 和 subsequent outages that are often unforeseen by the teams managing data transmission. Conversely, companies employing a Wavelength can be assured that the b和width is all theirs. 波长 also offer financial service organizations a precise geographical path that the network takes – whether it’s to a third-party data center or its own data center(s).

Beyond security considerations 和 the size of the data sets being managed by these teams is the complexity of the data, 哪些可以包括交易记录, 客户信息, 市场数据, 和更多的. Adding to volume 和 complexity is the importance of maintaining data quality. Transmitting these large data batches can cause issues such as incomplete, 不一致的, 或者数据不准确. Ensuring data quality requires robust data governance processes 和 the use of advanced data cleansing 和 validation techniques.

Regulatory oversight looms large for every financial institution that must meet exacting requirements regarding data management, 报告, 和遵从性. Managing large data sets while ensuring compliance with regulations such as GDPR, CCPA, 和 various financial regulations adds a layer of complexity that Wavelength services can help mitigate.

Updating large data sets across brick-和-mortar locations poses additional challenges for financial institutions. 其中最主要的是保持多个节点之间的一致性, 身体语言环境, 特别是当更新需要实时同步时. Physical locations employing different IT infrastructures can complicate the compatibility needed when updating large data sets. 同样的道理, 具有不同级别网络连接的位置, 例如有限的带宽或不可靠的连接, 是否会导致传输缓慢且容易中断.

Transmitting large amounts of data can require significant resources, 包括带宽, 存储容量, 计算能力. Allocating these resources effectively across multiple (brick 和 mortar) sites while balancing competing priorities 和 minimizing costs can be a challenge for financial institutions.

波长: Financial Industry’s Companion for Security, Speed, Replication 和 Processing

说到安全, 速度, 数据复制, 和处理, Wavelength services seem tailor-made for financial institutions.

因为波长服务在专用信道上运行, 他们提供了一个安全的, 分段, 以及大容量的数据传输365电竞足球. This allows financial institutions to transmit their data securely 和 efficiently, 减少被拦截或篡改的风险.

With an ability to transmit multiple terabits of data per second, 波长与商业的速度保持同步. As such they provide financial institutions with the ability to efficiently move large volumes of data between locations, 促进实时交易, 数据复制, 和处理.

金融服务业, 灾难恢复并不是一件好事, it’s a requirement for business continuity 和 regulatory compliance. 波长业务提供高速, 数据中心之间的低延迟连接, 哪一个可以支持备份和数据复制.

Financial institutions – especially large ones – require high-performance computing 和处理 capabilities for everything from analyzing data for risk management to fraud detection, 算法交易, 和更多的. 对于这些任务, Wavelength services are instrumental in connecting data centers to high-performance computing clusters 和处理 resources, 哪些支持更快的数据处理和分析.


FiberLight delivers business-class Wavelength services over FiberLight’s regional fiber optic networks serving Texas, 弗吉尼亚州北部地区, 亚特兰大地铁, 和佛罗里达中部. These dedicated solutions are particularly ideal for customers managing large data transfers between data centers 和 intricate IT applications. 对于这些组织来说, FiberLight的私有光纤连接确保了快速, 可靠的, 安全的数据传输.

FiberLight’s Wavelength services operate at varying 速度s (10G, 100G, 和 400Gbps) across our dense fiber network that’s been built specifically for business. 要了解更多关于FiberLight的服务,请访问我们的 波长365电竞足球页面 在哪里可以下载我们的产品简介.